You’ve got a solution you know will be useful for many businesses... 
But don’t have the resources to target them all. 
How do you find the perfect audience to target? 
Here’s a method you can use today. 
Level 1: The largest possible audience. Let's say your product is useful for all UK SMEs. That’s about 5 million businesses. Way too many to target in any meaningful way. 
Level 2: You’ve decided that B2B companies best suit your offer. That’s still about 40% of UK SMEs. About 2 million businesses. Still too big. 
Level 3: After some analysis, you determine that Facilities Services companies benefit most from what you do. There are 540,000 of these on LinkedIn. Much better but still too large. 
Level 4: You realise your ‘sweet spot’ is Facilities Services businesses with 9 - 50 staff (under 9 is too early stage, over 50 has longer procurement processes). That brings your count down to around 102,000 companies. A good target market size. You can create content that's focused on the challenges faced and opportunities available to this particular segment. 
Level 5: At this level you're looking at Facilities Services businesses with 9 - 50 staff in Greater London. Approximately 1,000 businesses. Now we're cookin'. You can create highly specific, relevant, valuable, and personalised content for this group... And when you’ve exhausted this segment, you can start on the next 1,000. 
Most businesses create content aimed at Level 2 or 3 audiences. High-level, generic, low-value content. 
So you’re competing with all the other high-level, generic, low-value content out there. 
At Levels 4 and 5 you're creating content that’s specific, relevant, valuable, and solves real problems. 
To win with content marketing aim for Level 5 content. 
Tagged as: Best Clients
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